Pink & Blue offers several additional services if needed. If you are interested in any of these available options listed below, please ask us for more information. We will be more than happy to discuss these options with you, along with the associated cost(s) involved.
- Egg Donor Service: If you are looking for an egg donor and you are not interested in working with a clinic based donor (anonymous) or an outside agency sourced donor, Pink & Blue can locate a quality donor specifically for you. We will customize the search to include the traits and features that are important to you. Egg donors can be directed (known), semi-directed, or anonymous. Please note, we do not maintain an active egg donor base, but search specifically to meet your needs.
- Embryo Donation Service: If your family is complete and you are looking to donate your additional embryos to another family in need, we will help you locate recipient(s) for your frozen embryos. Conversely, if you’re a family looking for donor embryos, we can help you locate them and guide you through the process. If embryo donation is done in a directed format, you will have more control during the decision making process.
- Tandem Surrogacy Service: This service is available to those who wish to work with multiple carriers in a closely spaced time period. It is a great option for intended parents who desire to have multiple children and do not necessarily want a twin pregnancy. Tandem surrogacy can be very complicated and more involved. Time management is critical and requires additional coordination and management. Pink & Blue can handle your tandem surrogacy and provide added peace of mind that our services bring you.
- Bring your own surrogate (BYOS): This service is available to those who want to bring their own carrier to the program, but want all other aspects of agency management. It is a great option for intended parents who have a carrier already or want to control costs. Pink & Blue can handle your directed match and provide added peace of mind that our services bring you. This service is at a reduced rate from our full service option and costs $10,000.
We are excited to offer these additional services! Please contact us for more information. We can help you!